Saturday, February 11, 2017

Dibi Dibi

I live in the metro Baltimore area, and I have the typical long commute to work. Talk radio has been a godsend in making the time go quickly, It also feeds my mind! On the way home tonight I heard the inspiring story of Robert Ginyard, a man who developed prostate cancer in 2010. As he lay on the radiation table, he thought about his life, and what he had accomplished. He promised himself that once treatment was done, he would re-energize his life to pursue dreams that had lay dormant. Many of us have this awakening when facing the possibility of death. Soon after, on a restless night he awoke, got out of bed, and wrote the following words "DiBi DiBi". What does this mean? "Dream it. Believe it. Do it. Be it". Ginyard wanted to inspire others to dream and reach their potential, so he worked with a designer he knew and had a tee shirt designed with this mantra. You can purchase one of these inspirational tee shirts at Not only will it inspire you and others, but 10% of the proceeds go to the non-profit organization Zero: The End of Prostate Cancer.

So, this goes to prove, fashion can really change the world!

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